You can watch VR180 and 360-degree recordings for a vivid augmented simulation experience with Cardboard and the YouTube portable application. Gather Google Cardboard. Open the YouTube application on Android.

Yes, you can watch Netflix on Google Cardboard by getting to the Netflix application through a VR program or utilizing a devoted VR film player application. Nonetheless, the review experience might shift, and not all Netflix content might be accessible for VR seeing.

Open the vivid universe of augmented reality film with Google Cardboard. In this definite aide, we'll walk you through the bit by bit course of watching films on your Google Cardboard gadget. From setting up your VR headset to getting to and partaking in your number one movies, find how to improve your film watching experience more than ever.

What Is Google Cardboard?

Google Cardboard is a basic and reasonable computer generated experience (VR) stage created by Google. It comprises of a crease out cardboard watcher and a cell phone application, permitting clients to encounter vivid VR content utilizing their cell phones.

Google Cardboard

With its open plan and minimal expense, Google Cardboard carries the universe of VR to a more extensive crowd, empowering clients to investigate virtual conditions, mess around, and watch films in an enthralling 3D encounter.

How to Watch Movie on Google Cardboard Quickly?

Submerge yourself in the true to life experience of watching motion pictures on your Google Cardboard gadget. Follow these basic moves toward partake in your #1 movies in augmented experience:

1: Set Up Your Google Cardboard

Start by gathering your Google Cardboard watcher as indicated by the guidelines gave. Guarantee that your cell phone fits cozily into the watcher and that the focal points are spotless and adjusted appropriately.

2: Install a VR Movie Player App

Then, download and introduce a VR film player application from the Google Play Store or Apple Application Store onto your cell phone. Well known choices incorporate Google Cardboard, VR Player, and AAA VR Film.

3: Download or Transfer Your Movie

Get a viable film document either by downloading it straightforwardly onto your cell phone or moving it from your PC through USB or distributed storage. Guarantee that the film is in a viable organization upheld by your picked VR player application.

YouTube for iOS gains Google Cardboard support

4: Open the VR Movie Player App: Send off the VR film player application on your cell phone. Explore to where your film record is put away and select it to start playback.

5: Insert Your Smartphone into Google Cardboard

Embed your cell phone into the assigned opening on your Google Cardboard watcher. Ensure that the screen is looking towards the focal points and that the gadget is safely held set up.

6: Adjust Settings and Enjoy

Change the settings inside the VR film player application to enhance the review insight, for example, changing the screen size, 3D profundity, and sound settings. When designed, put on your Google Cardboard watcher and partake in the film in vivid VR.

Interact with the Movie

Contingent upon the VR film player application you're utilizing, you might can collaborate with the film climate utilizing your cell phone's spinner or contact controls. Investigate the virtual environmental elements and draw in with the film as though you were there face to face.

Related PostCan You Watch Netflix on Google Cardboard?

By following these means, you can immediately set up and appreciate watching motion pictures on your Google Cardboard gadget, changing your survey insight into a vivid VR experience.

Convert 2D to 3D for Watching Movies with Google Cardboard

Convert 2D to 3D for Watching Movies with Google Cardboard

Google Cardboard backings just specific video designs. Hit Paw Video Converter gives an astounding result with regards to changing over 2D to 3D. It offers an easy to use communicate with quick and top notch changes so that its clients can partake in an issue free encounter.


All in all, watching films on Google Cardboard offers a dazzling computer generated simulation experience open to all. From setting up your gadget to investigating VR film choices, this guide improves on the cycle.

For additional upgrading your mixed media encounters, consider utilizing Hit Paw Video Converter, a flexible device for changing over and altering recordings effortlessly, guaranteeing consistent similarity for all your survey needs.