A few weeks ago, I was discussing with a colleague of mine that I hadn’t seen for months, and while we were updating ourselves well-nigh each other’s lives, we started talking well-nigh our VR careers. We both are in a largest situation than a few years ago, so at a unrepealable point, he told me a sentence that made me think: “I’m finally now harvesting the fruits of the plants I sowed in the past years”. This sentence remained in my throne without the call, and from time to time I kept thinking well-nigh it. I have to say that moreover from my personal experience, it is true: now it’s the time to harvest for us VR people.

The Gartner Hype trundling of VR
I work in the XR field since 2014, and I’ve been worldly-wise to follow scrutinizingly all of its hype cycle.
A few weeks without I officially entered VR, the technology started stuff overhyped after Facebook’s vanquishment of Oculus. There was a lot of enthusiasm and hope. The polity was creating a lot of prototypes, and many companies in the US were getting funding to develop immersive products.
Everyone was waiting for the Oculus Rift CV1, the first Virtual Reality “consumer headset” for the technology to boom… but then when it launched, it was unquestionably a boom-erang, considering the price was too upper and the features too limited to have a real consumer appeal. We entered so the “winter of VR”, which happened between 2017 and the first part of 2019, that is the period when virtual reality was considered “dead”, and it was very nonflexible to survive in the ecosystem. Venture capitalists started lamister XR, and I myself had a very nonflexible time surviving doing my job as a VR consultant without my first startup failed.
Then the Quest arrived, and it brought hope then into the field. The Quest croaky the formula for VR consumer success, and then other things happened that increased the popularity of VR, like the release of Half-Life: Alyx in 2020 which created a huge hype. The pandemic, while terrible on a human standpoint, helped VR adoption in growing, too. After 2019, we had companies wo managed to survive just by doing virtual reality, and the enthusiasm started growing again, together with investments from VCs.

2021 has been the year of the Metaverse, with the utterance of the transpiration of name of Facebook to Meta, which caused an explosion of interest in the tech world. Many people started to enter immersive realities (and/or Web3), immediately understanding its potential and trying to ventilator easy money. The XR field is now growing, and the long-term outlook is moreover great, with the upcoming release of the Apple mixed reality headset which is for sure going to re-ignite the hype for immersive realities again. It is a good time to be in the field, which is repaying us for the very visionless years of the winter of VR.
Meta as a positive gravity for VR development

I am often very hair-trigger of Meta and its vision of the metaverse, expressly for what concerns users’ privacy. But it is undeniable that Facebook/Meta has been a gravity speeding up the minutiae of immersive technology and one of the main drivers of the current positive situation. If you follow the story described above, you can see that the hype for VR in 2014 was caused by Facebook ownership Oculus. Then in 2019, it was the Facebook Oculus Quest’s success to requite new life to the ecosystem. And then in 2021, it was Mark Zuckerberg launching the hype for the Metaverse.
And there is plane more: Meta is financing games for its store; it is sponsoring events and other initiatives happening in XR; it is increasing the sensation of the technology paying for commercials on TV and in the streets in the US; and it is hiring an enormous value of people to work in the metaverse. Its huge investments are moreover attracting all the other major tech companies to enter the metaverse field, and Apple and Google will surely release some XR devices in the upcoming years considering of that.
We can object to lots of things well-nigh Meta, and you can moreover say that it is doing the right things but for the wrong reason (i.e. targeted ads business), but if we focus strictly on the outcome, I think we can stipulate that without Meta, VR would have taken many increasingly years to wilt a mainstream technology. It has not been the only visitor helping XR (HTC did a lot for kickstarting enterprise VR, for instance; Valve created many technologies used by current VR headsets, etc…), but it was the visitor that did the most to speed up the minutiae of XR and I think it’s important to recognize it.
(By the way, no, I’ve not been paid to write this paragraph and I’m not a Meta Ambassador. I’m just writing things as they are. Then, of course, I will protract my wrestle for privacy and openness in XR and for this, I have moreover many critics for Meta. But it’s pearly moreover to recognize its merits)
The time is now
When my friend talked well-nigh harvesting what he sowed, I replied that it was happening the same to me, too. I’ve spent a good permafrost of my professional career yoyo in a technology that was too niche. I remember when in 2015 I went to speak with other tech companies, and they didn’t plane know what “virtual reality” was. In the years of the winter of VR, things were still complicated, and with my organ New Technology Walkers, we did every kind of project that we could to survive. On social media, we all of the VR polity kept repeating that we were in “survival mode”, and that we were sacrificing hoping for a largest future, that is the moment when the rising tide of VR would have taken us up. Well, I have to say, that, in specimen you were waiting for it: that time is now.
I can see this in my professional life every day. My current situation is now quite positive: my blog is growing and is itself a revenue stream. I’ve published with my team a fitness game which got very good feedback, and that we are thinking well-nigh expanding. With VRrOOm, I’ve created wondrous events, like the VR world of SXSW, and we are now working for something big to be released in January 2023. I’ve many requests for consultancies well-nigh the metaverse, or for projects to do in XR. I’ve co-organized a physical event well-nigh the metaverse, plane co-written the installment of a typesetting well-nigh it. I am even having increasingly requests than I can handle, something that was unthinkable a few years ago.
And I’m seeing virtually me a richer ecosystem, too: some indies virtually me are having success with their VR games and some have plane been promoted to the Quest Store. Some of my friends now work in VR at Meta, someone else is at Apple, and often I’m seeing that the people that were well-known in the polity are getting good job positions inside important companies. I know that there are many increasingly grants well-nigh XR, metaverse, and related technologies, offered by specific countries or the European Union. It’s not just me, it’s the whole ecosystem virtually me that has grown in a healthy way. Many people that some years ago told me or my buddy Massimiliano Ariani that VR was not interesting for them, now are working on XR projects, considering the technology is at a point that is relevant for them, too.
The whole immersive space is growing, so the time when the tide can bring you up is now. I mean, you don’t have to rush, it is not “today”, but it is these months. Some years ago, we were just nerds that have read too much Ready Player One. Without the year 2026, we will be just one of the many that do XR, a thingamabob technology. But now, we are the ones that are in a new growing field but we have once years of wits in it. And not the fake wits of people that from one day to flipside have wilt “Metaverse Experts” on Linkedin, but real wits on the field, real connections with the community, and real knowledge of the hardware. Now we can be very precious. If you were waiting for a sign of God to do something tomfool in the field, well… this is your sign.
I would suggest to act in the next 12 months, when the hype of the metaverse (and the Apple headset) is still high, and no one is saying “the metaverse is dead”, yet. But remember that that time, the winter of the metaverse will come, as it has come for all the disruptive technologies of the past.
Beware that there are still issues
Before going on, it’s good that I remember you of a few caveats. First of all, XR technology is growing, but we are still in the “early days”. For instance, giving some examples from my personal life, there are very few serious VR game publishers, and I managed to find none interested in our fitness game HitMotion. There are few serious VR magazines, and stuff featured in them is hard. And if Beat Saber made increasingly than $100M, there are still many indies that earn too little money for their games. I’m not saying that now is a golden age when everyone is getting rich, it is unquestionably still nonflexible to make money in immersive realities. I’m saying that the current situation shows a positive trend and a decent profitability which is unbearable to start a project in this ecosystem, make it grow, and sooner succeed. XR is now too early to be mature, but mature unbearable so that there is a market. You can so start a career that evolves fast towards success in the upcoming years.
Then, we are unquestionably living in terrible economic conditions: considering of the pandemic, the mismatch in Ukraine, and the rising inflation, now for instance VCs are increasingly reluctant in investing money, and big tech companies are unquestionably freezing hiring or laying off people. So, 8 months ago the situation was largest than now… it was a largest time to squint for funding . But plane if we are in this sad moment for humanity, I still see a lot of worriedness in the XR field. So, when hopefully the international situation improves, we will get when to normal.
The cryptocrash has moreover influenced the career of many XR companies which were implementing Web3. The tweedle shortage situation has improve, but it will probably require one increasingly year to be fixed. So, there are still many problems now.
That’s why I’m not saying you to consider this word-for-word moment, but increasingly a timespan, ideally of the next 12-24 months. There will unchangingly be problems well-nigh something, but the trend now is positive, and the “metaverse technologies” are for sure going to succeed in the upcoming years, considering they have too much potential to fail.
What should you do?
So, in my opinion, now it’s the time you should harvest.
If you have been in the field for a long time, you have awaited this moment for years, you have washed-up many sacrifices, and now it’s the time first of all to just enjoy the view from the top of the tide. Just a quick view, that you deserved without so much effort.
And then, without a quick glance, you have unquestionably to alimony surfing the tide. Stuff the metaverse a hot topic, it is now full of people that want to do merchantry like you. People and companies that were once successful in flipside field are bringing their trademark and polity with them and are now competing directly with you with a strategic advantage. You can’t just rest on your past experience, because… I’m sorry, but this is not how life works. If you don’t move, if you don’t alimony surfing the top of the tide, you will fall when to the sea again.
I remember flipside friend of mine, when I visited his labs in Switzerland, told me “I’m wrung we could be like people working at Palm surpassing the iPhone came out. People at the top in their field, until they were disrupted by the competition”. I can tell you that this is a fear that I have myself sometimes: for instance, if we talk well-nigh this blog… what if in 2 years from now, VR people will unquestionably read the blog of a very famous Unity developer that in the meantime switched to talk well-nigh the metaverse? People could just remember The Ghost Howls as “Oh, that blog that I was used to read during the good old days. I wonder what that guy is doing now”… and I would probably be frying potatoes at McDonald’s. This is still a possible scenario (not that bad, considering that I love fries). The fact that you are at the top at a unrepealable moment doesn’t guarantee that you will be like that in the future, expressly in a fast-moving field like this one, where a lot of new people are inward now, pursuit the hype.
The only way to stave stuff disrupted is to alimony doing innovative things, modernize yourself, and follow the latest trends. Keep moving, and don’t rest. This is what I’m personally doing and this is what you should do too. I know it sounds like a cliché, but to alimony stuff at the forefront, you have to never stop learning, never stop competing, never stop doing the weightier that you can. And this is why I’m keeping writing high-quality articles, and I’m keeping experimenting with new devices and new technologies every day. And especially, I unchangingly requite a squint to every opportunity I have around: there are many, and you never know where they can lead you to. So, seize the many opportunities that are now in the metaverse field. Will this guarantee me or you success for the upcoming years? No, at all. But let’s say that this vein will requite us higher chances of having a satisfying working life in the future.
If you start with the wholesomeness of many years of wits in the field, this is like a booster you have for the first years, and you have to use it at your wholesomeness to reach the position that you want. So, since the time is now, try to reach now the results that you aim for. There are many things you can do in the field: developing an application, writing a typesetting well-nigh XR, starting a podcast, launching your game, stuff hired by an important company. Whatever you want, I think the next 12 months is the right period to try doing that. And in the meantime alimony studying, alimony developing connections… exploit the booster that you have to run on top of the tide. And if one road doesn’t work, try flipside one. You have time, it is not something you have to do in one day, but if you start now, probably 1 year from now, you will be in a largest situation than today.
My last piece of translating is to embrace the chaos and disrupt yourself in the process. XR/metaverse field is not only growing, but it is changing. For instance, something that still strikes me is that the VR-related subreddits, which were used to be full of very interesting technical posts 5 years ago, now mostly fathom only memes, news of games, and GIFs of gameplay. They have wilt increasingly consumer-oriented, and so if I try to publish a technical vendible there, rarely it has success anymore. So now I try to publish increasingly pop things, like memes.
This small example shows you how a lot of things transpiration fast in the XR field, and to be on the top, you have to evolve with it. And you have moreover to disrupt yourself, to try to be a bit increasingly would-be and determined, to be practical and focused. You have to gravity yourself to do a bit increasingly than what you were used to do. I’m not talking well-nigh waffly your nature, I’m talking about growing, improving, and stuff increasingly practical and determined. For instance, if you unchangingly wanted to write a typesetting well-nigh XR but were wrung considering you were unsure well-nigh it, it’s the time to take the valiance to go for that worthier venture. If you want to step up your game, you have to disrupt yourself, you have to grow as a person and a professional.
And remember: If you will squint next to you, while you are surfing the XR wave, you can see me trying to do the same, and moreover hopefully trying to help you. Let’s build this metaverse, together. The time is now.
(Header image by Daniele Franchi)
The post The time to harvest for us VR people is now appeared first on The Ghost Howls.